Bulk Workspace Transfer for Admins


SendSafely Admins can now conveniently bulk transfer Workspace ownership to any Admin. This mass-transfer capability is great for ensuring company Workspaces remain active and available for collaborators when processing account termination or job change requests.

The new bulk Workspace transfer capability is available to all Admins when impersonating another user. User impersonation is available from the three dot menu on the user record on the Enterprise Console. To begin, select Activity for the current owner of the workspaces, then navigate to their Workspaces tab. 



From the Workspaces tab, select the check box alongside each Workspace requiring transfer, then click the Transfer button in the top right corner.

Bulk Selection when impersonating copy


As the last step, choose a target Admin and complete the Transfer. All selected Workspaces are now owned by the selected Admin. 

Admin Selector


Bulk transfer can be performed for both active users (pre-termination) and deactivated users (post-termination). Additionally, Workspaces in both active and archived state can be transferred. Note that state is not changed as part of the transfer process, therefore it may be necessary to restore archived Workspaces in order for collaborators to re-gain access.


Decryption Keys

Due to the end-to-end encryption of Workspaces, transferring ownership does not transfer the decryption key codes necessary to decrypt Workspace content to the new owner. Options for obtaining the decryption keys for a workspace are to request the secure link containing the key code from a collaborator, a trusted device key or a portal master key. In the absence of the decryption key code, Owners may still access the Workspace in a limited capacity. Owners without key codes can view metadata such as collaborators, activity logs and file names, but are unable to view or download any Workspace content. 

Limited Access


For more information on this feature please contact success@sendsafely.com





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